Monday, June 18, 2012

Dawning Of a New Beginning

AFAD-K held a fashion show dubbed the "DAWINIG OF A NEW BEGINNING" at Jamuhuri High School grounds.  it was to give women in society a second  chance.

the designs that graced the runway were beautiful, elegant.....honestly, breath taking.

some of the designers whose garments graced the runway were:
Sally Karago

Catherine Obam

 Peggy Onyan'go

 Elizabeth Njoroge

Betty Vanetti

and below are the designs that were  showcased.

Some of the ladies who wore these beautiful garments were not actual models:; they were ladies who had a desire to start over.....
and the runway was a good way of starting afresh.
AFAD-K wishes these beautiful ladies the best in their future endeavors. 

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